Real Life | Craig

Craig* moved into our refuge accommodation after leaving his abusive relationship. Scroll down to read his story.




Craig’s four-year relationship was abusive from the early days, but his partner had a bipolar diagnosis, which made it harder for him to see that his partner was abusive.

The abuse was verbal and physical – and his partner used weapons during some of her assaults. Things escalated and eventually, Craig reached the point where he felt like his partner would kill him if he stayed any longer. That’s when he left.

My CWA support

Craig was really struggling with mental ill-health when he came to us for support. He was preparing to sleep rough that night and he’d had suicidal thoughts.

After an initial assessment, Craig moved into refuge accommodation, where we helped him with safety planning, housing & benefits applications and health appointments.

Recovery programmes

Craig’s recovery programme included denial-focus work from our Engage program, followed by further recovery work as a victim of domestic abuse.

In Craig’s words…

My first reaction to the suggestion of entering 'refuge' accommodation was shock. Mainly because I didn't know such a facility even existed for men.

It was with trepidation I first agreed to it, as I had no idea what to expect. But upon arrival I immediately realised that I was not being sent to some facility full of strangers – but a really nice self contained flat, where I could gather my thoughts and re-establish some self confidence.

In addition, I have felt safe and secure, with people watching over me, but in a completely non-invasive way.

Also, there is always the helpline, manned 24/7 if I needed someone to talk to.

Have no fear, it has been an uplifting and beneficial experience in many ways.

Last but not least, my support worker has been absolutely brilliant. I hope you find the same experience as I did, because if your circumstances are like my own were, this is really just what the doctor ordered. Good luck – and relax!

Please express my undying gratitude to all at My CWA. You are all fantastic and have helped me immensely, in so many ways.


*Name changed to protect the identity of our service user.
