help for a friend or relative

It can be heartbreaking to see someone you care about living in an abusive relationship. It can also be hard to know what to do to help. In this section of our website, you’ll find guidance on how you can support a friend or relative that has been affected by domestic abuse. Remember, you can contact us at any time if you need to talk.

Are they being abused?

What can I do to help?

Your FAQs


"Are they being abused?”

If your friend or family member has already opened up about their situation, that’s a great sign that they are taking some first steps towards seeking help and getting away.

But it can take a long time before people are ready to talk and you might notice warning signs before that happens. Click domestic abuse warning signs for more about spotting the warning signs.

“What can I do to help?”

If someone you care about is being abused, you might just want to gallop right in there like a knight in shining armour, scoop them up in your arms and whisk them away. We get it. But we also know it’s not as easy as that (even if you did have the horse!)

Click helping a friend or relative for some helpful advice about how you can support your friend or family member – whether or not they’ve opened up to you yet. There’s also lots of information at Open the Door, a campaign that aims to bring domestic abuse out into the open.

Helping a friend or relative – your FAQs

Here at My CWA, we spend lots of time talking to concerned friends and family members about domestic abuse. There are certain questions that come up time and time again, so we’ve listed some of your most frequently asked questions here to help you better understand your loved one’s situation.

Remember that however frustrating it is, however defensive or responsible your loved one feels, however many times you end up having the same conversations about what’s going on – they really need your support.

Take a look at our services for more about what we do. Or visit understanding abuse to find out what your loved one might be going through. Just contact us if you need support with helping a friend or family member.