Real Life | Carly & James

We started helping Carly & James* when they had a row outside our support centre. Scroll down to read more.




Carly and James* met in January 2019 while living in the same provision. Carly was 18 years old and was a looked after child outside the Cheshire East area. James was 17 and was a looked after child.

Both witnessed domestic abuse in their childhoods and this was the primary risk that resulted in them being removed from their parents’ care.

Carly was pregnant with James’s baby. Both were homeless and sofa surfing.


Carly and James became known to My CWA following an incident outside our community centre in Crewe. James was observed to be grabbing Carly and was screaming at her.

The police were alerted and – as they were concerned for Carly’s immediate safety – two members of our leadership team approached them.

Carly wasn’t an existing My CWA client, but she’d attended our centre to meet with her community rehabilitation company (CRC) worker.

Carly and James were invited into our centre and were spoken to separately by senior member of staff. The staff member used motivational interviewing skills to de-escalate James’s anger.

Carly disclosed that James had strangled her, tried to kick her in the stomach and thrown an object at her. There was also an indication of financial abuse in relation to James cannabis use.

How we helped

We completed a risk identification checklist (RIC) with Carly and she was referred to multi agency risk assessment conference (MARAC). We also put a safety plan in place.

Carly and James both agreed it wasn’t safe to be together that evening. We gave James – who is a vulnerable minor – a mobile phone. We helped him get to his nan’s house (outside the immediate area). And we helped Carly get go to her mum’s house as a temporary solution.

The next day, Carly made a complaint to police. The police took statements from Carly and our staff members – and James was arrested and charged. Carly and James want to remain together and live as a family.

Assessments were completed with Carly and James to determine need and to get a detailed history, including adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and current support networks.

Despite Carly and My CWA supporting a conviction, James engaged well with this process. It was clear that both Carly and James had grown up in highly chaotic homes, both had experienced neglect and witnessed domestic abuse.

Both had experienced over six ACEs. With this in mind – and with a clear emphasis on safety for Carly and her unborn baby – a plan was put in place to work with both Carly and James individually with some later sessions together using My CWA’s Enhance programme for couples who want to remain together.

Carly and James have significant professional support, including:

  • Social worker for Carly

  • Social worker for James

  • Social worker for their unborn baby

  • Youth support for James

  • Midwife

  • Family nurse

  • Change grow live (CGL) for James

  • YMCA

This caused some challenges with conflicting advice for the couple, so we agreed to complete training on de-escalation technique, time out, with all professionals to ensure that Carly and James were consistently supported to use the strategies they were learning.

The future

Carly has stable accommodation and everything she needs for the baby. She’s engaged well with support and children’s social care report that they have no concerns.

James is living away from Carly and their baby due to an incident shortly after the baby was born. He’s now 18, has stable accommodation and is engaging in Future Proof – a programme that will help him develop skills such as emotional regulation and consequential thinking. He’ll also learn more about taking responsibility to help him develop healthy future relationships.

Although James is now an adult, he presents as vulnerable and young for his age. He’s has had a lifetime of trauma and the impact of this is clear. Staff at My CWA felt that James would benefit most from working in a small group of young men of similar age. He’s engaging and progressing really well in this environment.


*Names changed to protect the identity of our service users.
